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This file contains the password information for users.

Ubuntu's default root entry:



username upto 8 characters. a direct match to a line in /etc/passwd
password blank indicates no password required.

'*' indicates that password authentication for the user is disabled (e.g: use pubkey)
'!' indicates that the user has been disabled (may still su to that user though)
Optionally it can start with a "$" character. This means the encrypted password was generated using another (not DES) algorithm. For example if it starts with "$1$" it means the MD5-based algorithm was used.
The field is then delimited by "$". The first field is the algorithm (1=MD5), the second is the salt, the third is the hashed password.
openssl passwd -1 -salt SPOk02ci, enter 'hello' will result in:
Use a different salt, get a different hash. Don't provide a salt to generate one!

change date the number of days since 1 Jan 1970
change delay the number of days before the password may be changed. 0 indicates any time
password expiry the number of days before the user MUST change the password. 99999 indicates a long time
number of days warning before the user will be forced to change their password
number of days before disable after the password has epired. I assume blank is never
expiry date number of days since 1 Jan 1970 that the account was disabled
reserved -
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