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Useful commands and aliases for screen

# usage: sc <screen_name>
# creates a new screen, or connects to an existing screen called <screen_name>
alias sc='screen -d -R'
# usage: sl
# lists existing screens
alias sl='screen -list'
# usage: ss
# creates a new screen using the current date and time for its name
alias ss='screen -S screen_`date "+%d-%b-%Y_%k:%M.%S"`'
# usage: qs
# used to quit the current screen - must be used from inside a screen
alias qs='kill `echo $STY|cut -d "." -f 1`'

To detach from a screen, and leave it running use: Ctrl + A, D
To send a ^A character to the program running in the screen (e.g. minicom) use: Ctrl + A, A
For a list of key bindings use: Ctrl + A, ?

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keystroke Action
Ctrl+A \ Quit screen
Ctrl+A c Create new window
Ctrl+A k Close window
Ctrl+A n Goto next window
Ctrl+A w List windows
Ctrl+A [0-9] Goto numbered window (0-9)

Serial Port

screen /dev/ttyUSB0 9600
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