
From Attie's Wiki
Revision as of 15:54, 4 January 2017 by Attie (Talk | contribs)

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username = Attie Grande <attie@attie.co.uk>
verbose = True
merge = internal:merge
ignore = ~/.hgignore
revert = --no-backup
br = branches
lg = log -G --pager always
rev = parent --template '{node} {branch}\n'
ph = phase -r tip
drafts = log -r 'draft()'
pager = less -FRSX
showfunc = true
# configure colors for each possible hg status
status.modified = blue bold
status.added = green bold
status.removed = red bold
status.deleted = cyan bold
status.unknown = magenta bold
status.ignored = white bold
# and for hg diff output also
diff.diffline = bold
diff.extended = cyan bold
diff.file_a = white bold
diff.file_b = white bold
diff.hunk = cyan
diff.deleted = red
diff.inserted = green
diff.changed = white
diff.trailingwhitespace = bold red_background
# this is a bad idea...
service1.schemes = http https
service1.prefix = service.domain.com/
service1.username = attie
service1.password = password
hgext.convert = 
pager = 
color = 
mq = 
record = 
shelve = 
graphlog = 
mercurial_keyring = 
histedit = 
rebase = 
users = alice, carl, dan
Personal tools
