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# export the public key (for use by others)
# export the public key (for use by others)
gpg --armor --output pubkey.txt --export <key-id>
gpg --armor --output pubkey.txt --export &lt;key-id&gt;
# export a secret key (be safe!)
# export a secret key (be safe!)
gpg --armor --output privkey.txt --export-secret-keys <key-id>
gpg --armor --output privkey.txt --export-secret-keys &lt;key-id&gt;
# import a key (public or private)
# import a key (public or private)
gpg --import key.asc
gpg --import key.asc
# send your public key to a public server - it may take a minute or two to appear, presumably there is some server-side processing to be done
# send your public key to a public server - it may take a minute or two to appear, presumably there is some server-side processing to be done
gpg --send-keys <key-id>
gpg --send-keys &lt;key-id&gt;
# retrieve a public key from a public server
# retrieve a public key from a public server
gpg --search-keys ''
gpg --search-keys ''
# encrypt a file
# encrypt a file
gpg --encrypt --recipient <key-id> foo.txt
gpg --encrypt --recipient &lt;key-id&gt; foo.txt
# decrypt a file
# decrypt a file
gpg --output foo.txt --decrypt foo.txt.gpg
gpg --output foo.txt --decrypt foo.txt.gpg
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# verify a file's signature
# verify a file's signature
gpg --verify crucial.tar.gz.asc crucial.tar.gz
gpg --verify crucial.tar.gz.asc crucial.tar.gz
# edit a key
gpg --edit-key &lt;key-id&gt;
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==Uncertain Ownership==
<code>It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named in the user ID.</code>
This message can be caused if you import a key that was generated on another system.
It can be prevented by one of the following methods:
# Run <code>gpg --edit-key &lt;key-id&gt;</code>
# Enter the command <code>trust</code>
# Select the appropriate trust level
===Every Execution===
<source lang="bash">
gpg --encrypt --yes --no-tty --trust-model always --recipient &lt;key-id&gt;

Revision as of 14:19, 21 September 2012

How to make use of GPG (GNU Privacy Guard)

# make a key (it is often necessary to copy a large file in order to generate enough random data - roughly 2GB should do for a 2048-bit key)
gpg --gen-key
# view the stored keys
gpg --list-keys
gpg --list-secret-keys
# export the public key (for use by others)
gpg --armor --output pubkey.txt --export &lt;key-id&gt;
# export a secret key (be safe!)
gpg --armor --output privkey.txt --export-secret-keys &lt;key-id&gt;
# import a key (public or private)
gpg --import key.asc
# send your public key to a public server - it may take a minute or two to appear, presumably there is some server-side processing to be done
gpg --send-keys &lt;key-id&gt;
# retrieve a public key from a public server
gpg --search-keys ''
# encrypt a file
gpg --encrypt --recipient &lt;key-id&gt; foo.txt
# decrypt a file
gpg --output foo.txt --decrypt foo.txt.gpg
# sign a file
gpg --armor --detach-sign crucial.tar.gz
# verify a file's signature
gpg --verify crucial.tar.gz.asc crucial.tar.gz
# edit a key
gpg --edit-key &lt;key-id&gt;
Long Short Description
--list-keys -k list the public keys stored
--list-secret-keys -K list the private keys stored
--armor -a create ASCII armored output, the default is plain binary
--output -o write to output file
--recipient -r encrypt a file for the given recipeint
--encrypt -e encrypt a file
--decrypt -d decrypt a file
--detach-sign -b make a detached signature


Uncertain Ownership

It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named in the user ID. This message can be caused if you import a key that was generated on another system. It can be prevented by one of the following methods:


  1. Run gpg --edit-key <key-id>
  2. Enter the command trust
  3. Select the appropriate trust level

Every Execution

gpg --encrypt --yes --no-tty --trust-model always --recipient &lt;key-id&gt;


The <key-id> tags above generally mean the 32-bit identifier, in hex. It appears that you can often use the email address to identify a key as well.

$ gpg -k
pub   2048R/8462FC4A 2012-02-23
uid                  Attie Grande <>
sub   2048R/E8423A6F 2012-02-23

The fake key information from above has a <key-id> of 0x8462FC4A
In some situations like the --recipient argument you may use the name Attie Grande, part of the name Attie, or the identifier 0x8462FC4A

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